Thursday, January 14, 2010

Small Success


1) The diet has been going well. I haven't been snacking on bad foods, which is terrific. I have been able to keep my eating at around the 1500 calorie mark. My next goal is to increase my protein intake a bit. I still have some empty calories. Last night we made schnitzel without the normal butter and oil. It was still very good. :)

2) I have started on the FLYlady routine. Yesterday I started step one, which is shine your sink. Today I will continue that process and do the other two kitchen sinks. Their method works amazingly well. I have never seen the sink so shiny! And it felt great. :D

3) The kitchen cabinets are once again in progress. I had a break from them last night to rest my arm and shoulder, but tonight I'll be able to give this section of cabinets it's last coat of stain. Then it's onto the doors. I'm so excited to see it all finished. I have hope now that we will be able to get it all done by the end of February. So much so, that I'm thinking the end of January is possible. :D

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