Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Frenchy's - a holic

Hi, my name is Tanya...and I am addicted to Frenchy's. For anyone that doesn't know, this is kind of a second hand clothing store. But in recent years has become the place where all those clothes that stores can't sell, or they are removing for the new merchandise, are being sent. Honestly, most of the stuff in there now, still has the old tags on it. There is not much that is used. But, either way, you get some great deals.

I needed to get some nice clothes for Christmas. But, I really do hate to spend $50 on a blouse. I don't know why...if it's nice, and worth it, why not. Yet, I was raised to be a penny pincher, and I still follow that. I ended up with about 10 blouses, 2 pairs of dress pants, and 2 hoodies, with Joe finding a shirt and pair of shorts...all for the great price of $52. They are now getting all freshly washed. :D

This evening I have to work on those Christmas cards. I did manage to remember to buy stamps while we were mailing some things off. hehe That's a start I guess. :D

I started taking round 4 of the Clomid last night. It's been pretty good to me, the last few months. I'm not 100% sure on the doctors methods. But, it seems to be okay. My big concern was that I had stopped ovulating, which had never been an issue before. This seems to be doing the trick. Once my body levels out, and if it will keep O'ing on it's own, then I will consider the meds a success. Even more of a success if we get pregnant. hehe But, that will happen in due time. :)

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