Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thermometer woes

I will gladly admit that I am so tired of thermometers, and will be so glad when I can just throw this one in the drawer. I have an erratic sleep schedule, so I have to set the alarm to wake up, take my temp, and then go back to sleep. It throws my sleep off, a lot. But, I can't take it when I actually wake up, because it's a bit too late in the morning, and my temps are way off. Can you tell I am tired and cranky this morning? It was so nice when I used to live in the dream world of just having sex whenever will get you pregnant, and it's so easy to get pregnant that you have to take the pill to make sure you don't. I will be dancing with joy the day we find out we are expecting, I really will. It will be excitement and relief on so many levels. lol

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