Friday, November 20, 2009

Ahh the weekend arriveth!

Goodness, I am so glad that it is finally the weekend! The last two weeks have been rough. Joe and I have been sick. We are finally over the last of it, but we had a hefty push with classes this week. Poor Joe was up until around 3 am working on his paper. He managed to finish it, and was pleased with how it turned out, but I felt so bad. He was less than thrilled when the alarm went off this morning. hehe

So, I can't get something out of my head. It's an interesting topic, and yet one that is frustrating at the same time. It's of course spurred on by the fact that I am taking a European History course, and we just went through talking about the reformation, and we are now on the topic of how countries came out of that. I'm finding it interesting how Catholics have been regarded, and in a lot of ways are still regarded. It's like the Pope is the anti-Christ somehow. When Joe was in seminary he said people had asked him on occasion whether he was learning to be a pedophile yet. I mean, seriously! I was quite impressed that the recent USCCB conference actually dealt with the idea of the pedophiles, and just general safety of our children within the church. They are undertaking a huge effort to make sure that they are safe. They are looking hard at not only the Priests, Bishops, etc, but also those people in charge of the Sunday School, nursery schools, etc.

When I decided to convert to Catholicism 3 years ago, I had to deal with some interesting conversations. One of my friends is Protestant. I can't write which branch, because honestly, I have no idea. She church hops. *sigh* But, that's another story. But, I was called a heathen for thinking of being Catholic. I mean, this can't possibly be the right thing, afterall the Baptist church is the oldest church in existence, and using the oldest version of the Bible! *brakes squeal* Alrighty...let's think about this. Alright. The Baptist religion came about during the reformation when Martin Luther broke from the Catholic church. order to branch off, then the Catholic church had to already be there. Oops..I'm sorry...that doesn't fit with that statement at all! Also, she uses the King James version of the Bible. Unfortunately, the last time I checked, King James wasn't here when Jesus was born. But, I could be wrong.

The things that people think about Catholics can be appalling! And of course, they are so upset that we are unchanging. But, you know what, if you want women priests, or gays and lesbians, there are plenty of other places you can go to worship. For me, I prefer things as they are. There are no women priests...period. Will there ever be? I don't's not for me to decide. Would I want there to be? No! Plain and simple. There is no room for feminism here. Take that somewhere else. Just because you think you have to do everything a man does, and have to take everything from a man, makes no difference to me. But, keep it to yourself. I go to church to worship God. And yes, God is a he. Jesus was a he....and was more than just a good man.

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