Monday, November 23, 2009

The semester is winding down!

Yay! It's almost the end of the semester. Phew! I've had such a hard time getting into the swing of things this year. But, now the biggest crunch times are over, so I can breathe easy for a while. Everything is arranged for Christmas, in terms of travel arrangements and boarding for the cats, so I don't have to think about that anymore. Now all I have to do is push out one more essay for Monday, then onto exams. I'm even starting to get caught up on house cleaning. I've just felt terrible since August. I didn't actually recover from the Trimmer Bash. I wasn't doing well because of all the walking and things, and then when we got home, it wasn't long before I got sick. It has been a rough few months to say the least. But, now I'm feeling much better.

I'm still have issues with Depression type symptoms. Although, I really do hate to use the term depressed. This is a very real condition for many people, and I'm not at that state yet. I guess I would call it more of feeling down. It could lead to depression, and I have the physical symptoms, but my mental state is still hanging in there, kind of. I was not doing well last night. My brain just gets into these modes where it has to sacrifice what I am doing somehow. Last night it manifested itself in the form of the other D word...Disability. The idea of being disabled at times is really difficult for me. Other times, it's not that bad. Last night, it was bad. I started thinking that if I didn't know what was wrong with me, then I would have to be disabled. The logic was lost a bit there, I think. lol Just because I couldn't name what was wrong before didn't change my physical abilities. I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't do the genetic tests, then I wouldn't know. But, as Joe logically pointed out, the genetic test means crap. We already know what's wrong. I have Muscular Dystrophy, end of story. The only thing the genetic tests mean is that if there is a treatment for the specific type of MD I have, then maybe I can start to feel better. That should be a good thing! But, my brain likes to flip things. I have a much better outlook on things today though. *phew*

On the TTC front, there is nothing new right now. I managed to finally find the Soy, so next month that will be the method. But, that means I'll also have to temp next month. That will be fine until we have to leave for Virginia on the 21st. So, that means I can pinpoint ovulation, but then the thermometer goes away, and I can obsess in peace. :)

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