Saturday, November 14, 2009

Minor setback, or motivator?

I've been dealing with what has seemed like depression lately. And I say seemed like, because I was symptomatic, but not mentally depressed, if that makes sense. I don't want to get out of bed, I don't want to go to class, I don't want to clean the house..nothing...nada. However, after a little chat today with Joe, we were wondering if maybe I'm not depressed at all, but just a bit lost. The past few months have been rough for me. In August I was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, after 27 years of trying to figure out what in the world was wrong. Then in September I got sick with the flu, and just haven't gotten better. I also injured my foot, and same thing, it's not getting better. But, even though I was really feeling blah, I was happy. My outlook on life and everything around me was positive.

So, we started to wonder...was it school? Was I just not happy with what I was doing, or taking? Part of it is that I am not allowing myself to get excited about anything. I have become a bit stone faced. I would say something didn't bother me, when you could tell just by my body language, that it really did. I enjoy taking languages in school. It's great! But, I haven't let myself get excited about what I am taking. Honestly, the history classes bore the snot out of me! That's not helping. But, as we talked, I found I did start getting excited about doing some translating and I started thinking about books from Loeb in Latin and Greek that I could put on my Christmas list. I felt a bit better after that. So, maybe instead of this being a bigger issue of actual depression, maybe this could be a motivator for me to get going and get interested. :)

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